Category - Transportation
Electric Vehicle Revolution: From Fringe to (Almost) Mandated in a Decade
Have you thought of switching to an electric vehicle (EV), even though your current gasoline…
Winter Bike Maintenance
As I write this, the thermometer is inching toward 70° and the skies are a deep cerulean…
Bike Back Better – Ecology Action’s Vision for 2021
Welcome to 2021! As the virtual confetti settles into the corners, we find we’re still a little weary, a…
Cold, dark, and stormy—winter riding is here.
It’s a rainy afternoon, and I’m pedaling home from work. Riding through Seabright toward Live…
Bringing transportation justice to the table
This year has brought many of the inequities in our society into stark light and…
What happened to bike share in Santa Cruz?
Our world has been turned upside down in so many ways that we don’t even…
Bicycles – An emergency escape vehicle?
It was Saturday night, August 15. I was biking along Westcliff Drive with my dog Mara in the trailer and my friend…
Slow Streets Come to Santa Cruz County
At the start of the pandemic, towns and cities across the globe scrambled to adapt…
Is an Electric Vehicle Right for You?
Driving an electric car is more normal than you think and more affordable than a…
Precious Cargo – How Parents are Using Cargo Bikes as the New Minivan
We often ask community members in Santa Cruz County, “What are your barriers to biking…