Save on water bills by switching to Monterey Bay Friendly Landscapes

An average turfgrass garden area of 1,000 square feet requires weekly watering that can amount to over 55,000 gallons in a year! Updating your landscape can reduce water usage and help you save on utility bills.

Through this program, you can:

  • Get a free landscape design
  • Lower maintenance costs
  • Get rebates to install low-water use plants, rain gardens, and more!
  • Increase curb appeal and property value
  • Inspire others

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Process Overview

Here’s what you can expect when you apply to convert your landscape into a climate victory garden.


Complete online application and survey


Ecology Action team visits site for assessment


Finalize participant contract


Ecology Action team develops custom design plan


Participant reviews design for approval


Water utility review and pre-approval design for rebate


Ecology Action introduces contractor to participant


All construction is completed


Post-construction walk-through with Ecology Action team


Ecology Action team submits rebates and participant receives payment

Eligibility Information

To equitably serve Salinas Valley residents and maximize positive climate impacts, this program prioritizes applications for projects that have higher water-savings potential, are located in underserved areas and/or have more public visibility.

Climate Victory Garden project qualifications:

  • Located at a home, multifamily unit, or nonprofit public institution located in Salinas, King City or Marina, California. (Renters interested in this project must acquire owner approval.)
  • Have turf in the front or side yard visible to the public
  • Have a conversion area at least 1000 square feet


Please Note: At this time, the Climate Victory Gardens program does not fund design assistance or rebates for

  • Homes without turfgrass
  • Community vegetable gardens
  • Composting systems

For resources on permaculture gardening please visit

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About this program

Ecology Action is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing equitable community climate solutions. We are offering Salinas Valley Residents who qualify for the Climate Victory Program an opportunity that will save money, conserver water and lower emissions while transforming a turf garden into a Monterey Bay Friendly Landscape.

We offer FREE design and project management services. Three options are available:

  1. Do-it-yourself with technical assistance from EA expert staff.
  2. A fixed lower-cost installation service with a trusted contractor.
  3. Pay your preferred licensed contractor to install our design.

Ecology Action partners with the California Conservation Core to install public agency projects.

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Rebates Available

  • Rain Garden: Landscaped areas designed to capture and treat rainwater that runs off roof and paved surfaces. Runoff is directed toward a depression in the ground, which is planted with flood and drought-resistant plants.
  • Rain Capture: Free technical services for capturing and harvesting rainwater, a great source of irrigation in the dry summer months.  
  • Laundry to Landscape: Use greywater from your washer to irrigate in the summer months, while using appropriate detergents.  
  • Other Rebates: Upgrading to Smart Controllers, flow sensors and master valves. Inquire on application 


Denise Mercado

Senior Program Specialist in Landscape installation at Ecology Action
